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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yay today Isaac, Kendrick, Reuben, Yao Chen and Zhi Qi, gathered at my house to complete our chinese TfU project. We managed to reach my house at 2.54 when we planned to start at 2.45. 9 minutes late. Well at least it went well and smoothly and we managed to finish at around five and we had a game of basketball. No. I have to go for road marshalling for the sec three parent teacher meet tomorrow and it is right after my exhausting dragon boat training. NO. NO. NO. I am now sad talking about it. Bye Bye. -.-...zzZ

Okay I was joking. Well, I am really look forward to my training tomorrow. But, wait, I am always looking forward to training! Oh but anyways, I must not let reuben down and get 100 marks for my Chinese spelling! I am sorry but I must end this post right here and now. Good bye everybody. I have to study.

SLAMit.DUNKit 2:16 AM

Friday, January 22, 2010

I woke up with my flu gone but it came with a bad case of sore throat. D=. Well at least I managed to crawl out of bed, bathe, get dressed and set off for school.
As a result of my sore throat I was silent throught class today, only speaking when it was time to greet the teacher or if the teacher asked me questions.
After lunch, my throat did feel better as i had drank more than 3 litres of water! I changed into my cca uniform and hastily made my way to the amphitheater, barely making it in time. The training today was kinda boring, it was just turning and turning and turning and marching and marching. But then came the fun part. We had a competetion for the best cadet. Everyone closed their eyes and the staff sergants and sergants gave as drills. Do something wrong and you are out and for once I lasted until there were inly two man standing. I failed and was sent out. Guess I was not up to best cadet. Then came the physical training where we had to do 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, 30 by 4 counts of jumping jacks, and 35 counts of flutter-kicks. I was surprised that the sergant missed the squats. The physical training today was not really what you call though. The games section of the training was a complete let down. Unlike the rest of the Victorians, I do not share the joy of soccer. I would rather prefer basketball. You guessed it, we played soccer. However, the greatest letdown was that we never got to see the secondary one cadets in action.D= I would like to thank Hasif for his wonderful treat of a doublecheese burger but unfortunately i did not feel full and went on to have chicken rice and a RAMY burger! The famous night market burger! It was awesome, but i had totaly forgotten about my sore throat and it is starting to hurt again. That's all for today so Good Night. =D

SLAMit.DUNKit 4:32 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Phew! Finally! All the settings, templates and gadgets have been added completely! Hurray for me. Wow using the classical template was so much harder as compared to the one blogger came with! I had to copy and paste many many htmls such as those for the cbox and the mixpod. But thanks to the help of my friends I finally am able to successfully input them all in!

Well I just came back from Mervin's house. We were trying to complete out OPW that was supposed to be handed in on 5th February or was it the 2nd? We started off completely fine, first going to mcdonalds to have our lunch and try to draft some of the worksheets we have to do out. But when we left, I left my awesome book of notes behind! No! How could that happen to me! And I thought that I could finally beat Vincent in terms of results. Though luck to me then. =[ Sadness overwhelms me. Please Reuben! Let me copy your notes!

Anyway continuing on about the OPW, we arrived at Mervin's house and started off trying to download the soft copy worksheets from the internet. But due to some technological difficulties, we were delayed for 30 min. We finally started doing our OPW only at 3. We manage to find handy information through the wikipedia and the Victoria school website. Unfortunately, we were so bored that we started to play with the many little things on Mervin's table -- a vacum cleaner that could cut fingers, a mini grandfather clock where you can create the clokapult of time with the Chinese textbook base, a horse puzzle and a treasure chest puzzle which took Mervin a day to solve, a hand held clock which has hypnosis powers and a pack of cards from a bag! We got so carried away with the cards that we totaly loast track of time. Byt the time we awoke from our hypnotic intrest, it was already 5.10! Oh no! It's time to go home! We finally decided to meet up at Nick's house on Saturday to focus on our OPW. I managed to rush home by 6.15 and escaped a scolding from my mother. Phew. Lucky me.

Okay, let's talk about what happened in school today. Well I found the PE-theory the most interesting lesson. We learnt how to grow taller and I had them taken down in my notebook. Oh wait. I lost my notebook. NO!
Now I will never go tall! Oh wait! Maybe i can use Madam Farrah's method. I shall stick a waterproof notice in my toilet bowl saying 'I will grow taller.' Yea! Maybe that will work.

And I guess that's all i have to blog today. Bye Bye. Please link me!

SLAMit.DUNKit 2:21 AM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello everybody. This is my official 2nd post the previous post is not counted as the 5 posts that has to be submitted. By the way that picture is the logo for the NCC land unit in victoria scool.

No! My cold came back! Help! Someone tell me how to cure this!
At least i did not sprain my ankle today, BUT, I sprained my knee. Nice job Xian Jun, nice job.
My timing for 2.9km dropped by 10 seconds. :( I heard from my senior that sleeping early will help you to go taller! So i'm going to sleep at 9.00pm today! Yea! Ican't wait to see the sec ones coming in for training this friday. Oh almost forgot i'm from NCC(land). The trainings are not what you can call fun. During traing, we basically just turn left, turn right turn around, turn left, turn right, march, listen for wrong commands, sing songs, march, turn on march, stop, turn left, turn right, do something wrong and WHAM! 30 push-ups served just for you. Please, enjoy your meal. This 'ordeal' is then followed up by physical training, and if we are lucky, games! YAY! Soccer, captain's ball, BASKETBALL. But does not happen often. Only sometimes, like when the secondary ones come in. Now you know why I can't wait for them to come in. Well I am truly spent from today's dragon boat training so... Goodbye and Goodnight.

SLAMit.DUNKit 3:52 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

And here it is! Nike air sentido! My all new basketbal shoes! =) Bye Bye sprained ankles!

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:49 AM

Hellooo! Alright. This is my first post on my first blog so please give me some comments to help me improve! Thank you very much.
It's sunday and the start of the day was quite boring and sad. I woke up with a bad case of cold and running nose! Not a very good start for a day. But thanks to my dad's special CLARINASE TABLETS, I was up and jumping in no time! I then rushed through my tution homework and went for my chinese tution. It was then I realised I did not study for the spelling test! NOOO. Well at least i passed. I had a normal lunch, chicken rice... Nothing special. What came next was special. I Finally got myself a pair of basketball shoes! YEA! How cool is that! NIKE AIR SENTIDO!!! I'll post a picture of it later on. And there you have it since the 'CLIMAX' part of the day is over, it's time for the 'RESOLUTION' I had a wealthy dinner, went home, turned on the computer and there you have it me typing this blog =.) Hey I'm not Pua Chu Kang! It should be =). Yup! That's better.

SLAMit.DUNKit 5:37 AM